Wednesday, January 24, 2007

"Weebles wobble, but they don't fall down!"

my boss, geoff, brought me a special gift yesterday. here i am, 30 years old, and he brings me a weeble. for those of you who don't know or remember what a weeble is, it is a little child's toy that is shaped like an egg and you can make it wobble, but it doesn't fall down. he reminded me that while the weeble looks very unsteady and teeters back and forth, its foundation is stable and it always comes back to its upright (and still) position. in case you've missed the connection, geoff knows that i feel like i'm teetering in every direction and feeling very unsteady as i navigate through new waters every day. his reminder of my steady and strong foundation was such an encouragement.
on sunday, we sang a song that states "You are my shield, my strength, my portion, deliver, my shelter, strong tower, my very present help when i'm in need"... i just cried as i sang this song of praise to God, knowing that even when i don't feel His presence, i can trust that He's right there with me. the Lord is my strong foundation; while i may wobble for some time to come, i won't fall down. (unfortunately, i need lots of reminders about this, so i'm keeping my little weeble close by!)

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