Friday, October 8, 2010

too funny

i laughed out loud the other day walking in the door with noah & drew after crew practice. right then, noah exclaimed to drew, "just stop being so attractive!" i couldn't help busting out laughing and then i asked what the problem was. apparently, noah's girl friends on the crew team spend a lot of time talking about how attractive drew is during their 20-30 minute bus ride every day and noah is just fed up. i guess it's tough being the little brother of such an attractive guy but especially having to hear about it so often.
we've been hearing stuff like this for a while now. most of the time, it's funny to ed & me. we hear from friends about how their daughters talk about him - on the crew team, in the marching band, and just around school/town. we even started to get nervous when women mentioned seeing drew at work (at our little village grocery store) and commenting on how good-looking he is! (ed would reply with a quick "you stay away from my boy!") :)
however, we haven't really thought about it from his brothers' perspective. i guess it's tough.
i really do think each of our boys is very good-looking - and each in their own way, since they don't look alike! - but that doesn't help to have me tell them that. oh well. drew will go to college in less than 2 years... "out of sight, out of mind" for teen girls. then the other boys can step up.

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