Thursday, May 17, 2007

new experiences

well, this has been an interesting week. i've just returned from my very first mammogram (& sonogram) and i survived it. about a week ago, we found a lump in my breast, thus the mammogram, etc. because of said lump, i also got to experience a needle biopsy for the first time. good times. actually, none of it was nearly as bad as i feared. but, now i have to wait on the results. sometime early next week, i'm told. in the meantime, i have to just lay low and not strain myself. guess that leaves housework out for a while, right?

okay, so that was the bad news. here's some fun news. last night (wednesday) we got to go to the pittsburgh pirates baseball game and watch taylor (along with the rest of the sixth grade band) play the national anthem. it was so exciting! i was sick as a dog all day yesterday and up until the last minute didn't think i'd get to be there. but memories of missing important events because i get sick (like my sisters' double wedding...) and taylor begging me to come anyway made me pull myself together and head out. i'm so glad i did! how often will we have a kid performing the national anthem at a professional sporting event?! the band was great and we were all there to see it (ed, myself, the boys, my folks, carrie & frank and bob). taylor had quite the crowd cheering him on!

that's it for now. thanks for prayers, thoughts, calls, cards & gifts... i'm feeling very loved!! i'll keep you posted on the results.

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