Wednesday, May 9, 2007

back to grace

way back at the start of lent (feb), our church started a study on grace. that series carried through to easter and was then followed by our current (thru july) study on galatians (we're working through the book in church and in our bible study). wow. this topic is hard for me to begin with. and now it has become infused into everything i do!
here's my struggle: i am more than happy to RECEIVE grace (particularly the Lord's saving grace!) but i am very hesitant to really give it. i want to only give "grace" to those who deserve it... which, of course, works directly against the concept of grace - undeserved merit!
and, in the midst of me trying to learn how to destroy my natural self in order to offer Jesus' grace to others, i'm a prime target for attempts to thwart those efforts!! in fact, in the past few months, i've probably had more "attacks" than i've ever had in my 30 years prior! we seem to get slammed at every turn and it becomes so hard to even want to give grace!
and while it is hard for me, it is also a great blessing that my hubby really takes this teaching to heart. i can't imagine how he does it, but ed continues to offer grace to those who lash out at him. it makes me want to fight to defend him and at the same time, i am unbelievably proud of him and the hard choices he makes. and i want to learn from his example and choose to be like Christ. oh, how i thank God for choosing this man to be my husband!!!

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