Monday, November 30, 2009

3 weeks and 3 days

not that we're counting or anything...
well, we're getting ready for the big arrival of our Christmas gift! i had the last of my wonderful baby showers (technically, i had 5 baby showers... i know, totally extravagant! but i feel SO WELL LOVED!!) and we feel pretty well-stocked for the baby's arrival. of course, it also helps that susie is loaning a bunch of her baby things and i have several friends who have done the same. awesome! :)
the room is painted & carpeted (although the trim isn't completed yet) and most of the furniture is ready. we still need to put together the crib, but i think that will be later this week. we do have the bassinet from mom abbott for when the little one first comes home, so the crib isn't that big of a deal at this point. we're just glad to have it in the house! now, for the little details like a lamp in the room (lighting will be helpful) and wall hangings up. so exciting! once i get things organized, i'll post a picture of the room.
in the meantime, i've set this week as my "get it all done" deadline. eddie & i went shopping last night and got most of the boys' Christmas shopping done. i have a few more things to complete, but otherwise we're about ready. this week, i also have 2 child-birth type classes (one for mama only and one for daddy & me) and we need to get our tree & finish the outside lights. then, i think we're about ready and we'll just wait on the kid to arrive.
work is another story at this point, but i've tried to arrange what i can ahead of time. beyond that, i can't worry about it. its hard for me to admit, but the office will carry on without me and somehow the church will still run in my absence. :) this is probably a good lesson for me anyway.
kinda like the swollen ankles that are working on my pride these days... i've always prided my thin ankles... God is humbling me quite a bit in these last few weeks of pregnancy! see? just look at how God is working in me, even as He blesses us with a new baby!! (mental note: careful what i pray for...)

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