Thursday, January 15, 2009

my word, i just get off-track and never seem to update this anymore! things are going well, i think. we're making good progress on the house (the theme of our Christmas party invite was "we have walls and want to celebrate, fa la la la la la la la la!"). our master bathroom is coming along nicely - we may even get our closets set back up soon... maybe. (right now, poor ed has to deal with his dress clothes crammed in with mine or hanging in random areas of the house.) the game room needs to be our next focus, as we are currently living with all of the furniture and everything else in that room (i.e. everything for the boys, essentially... toys, tv, games, etc) is stacked floor to ceiling in the middle of the room. these days, it's become the pit where things go and disappear. i can't imagine what we'll uncover when we get that room back in order. and i just can't wait until we get it done... it will mean that the boys have their space back and we can live a little more "normally". AND they can get back to having friends over again! it's bad enough that ed & i have dropped off the face of the earth socially and didn't have friends over while we've been working so hard on the house, but we both feel it's worse for the boys. so, that's the focus now. well, that and the heating issues we have in our 110 year old house that started with no insulation and we still have a basement that may as well be wide open!!
geez, and i wonder why i'm battling constant headaches!
that's about it really. i'll write about our latest trip to mn soon. and pictures... i'm always promising pictures and never coming through on that. bugger.

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