Tuesday, April 1, 2008

deja vu

being the athletic gal that i am, i don't quite understand why people are so shocked to see me at the YMCA. maybe because i rarely step foot in the place??
anyway, this morning, i finally determined to check out the exercise class that jenni raves about so much. right now, i still can't figure out why i even went. for one thing, the class starts at 5:45 AM. yes, that would be IN THE MORNING. it's bad enough that i would be going to a workout class, but to have to go at that hour of the day is ridiculous. but, i got up, got dressed and rushed out the door with my water bottle. got to the class - late - and had to walk past everyone and try to jump right in. i can only imagine how entertaining it must have been for the people who were able to watch me. all of my nightmare memories of ballet, show choir, amulets, and any other dance group i've been part of filled my mind as i struggled to follow the steps of the teacher. seriously, it was really bad. i am TERRIBLE with any choreography and this morning was yet more evidence of my lack of rhythm (so sad, since i'm married to a drummer) and total inability to mimic the steps of another. what a disaster. then, to make things worse, i hurt like you wouldn't believe!!! yikes! how i long for my days of reading a book while listening to my ipod and walking on a treadmill... granted, that wasn't doing anything to get me back into shape, but i do love a good book and good music...
ugh. what a morning. at this point, i'm determined to go again on thursday, if not for any other reason than to show the instructor that i wasn't scared off by her "encouragement"... yeah, like i needed to bring attention to my pathetic attempts to keep up! :)

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