Tuesday, September 25, 2007

blank stare

i know there is plenty that i should/could be updating right now, but my mind is totally blank. how pathetic is that?!

i have a list that is about a mile long of things that need to be done and it is starting to get a little overwhelming. our schedule just seems to be totally packed all the time and when there is "downtime", we're so exhausted that we can't do anything!! this is just a temporary thing, right?!?!

tonight, my big goal is to move the fans to the basement, change the shower curtain liner (totally gross, but i didn't realize it because i'm totally blind when i shower... i'm lucky i can tell the shampoo & conditioner bottles apart!!) and hopefully get the mug rack hanging above ed's new "coffee center"... thanks, in large part, to aunt betsy & uncle doug giving him his new *favorite* coffee & espresso makers!! i guess the fact that i don't touch coffee explains why i don't really care about it... other than the mess it sometimes makes! that's it. that's all i hope to accomplish in a full evening. talk about pathetic...

we had another worship concert at church on sunday night (after the steeler game). ed played the drums and was pretty exhausted after a full weekend of playing. the music was fantastic and it was just really powerful worship. my sister, carrie, came with me. she's all about that music and really liked it. she'd also never heard ed play before, so that was fun. there is just something about worship music with an electric guitar and drums that gets me really excited. anyway, it was great. if anyone reading this is in town on nov 18 (i think that's the next concert date), mark your calendar. i'd love to have you come with us!!

okay, back to something productive...

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