Sunday, March 18, 2007

funny story

today we were in church and it was time for communion. ed was playing drums, so the boys and i sat waiting for our turn to go forward. i went first, followed by the 4 boys. nothing out of the ordinary about that. i get back to my seat and immediately the boys are questioning me with concern... "did we do something wrong?" and "should i not have held my hands like this?". apparently, bill henry (our associate pastor) started laughing when the abbott boys came forward for communion and no one knew why. at the end of the service, bill came to find me because he wanted to tell me a funny story. i asked if it had to do with communion (not having any idea what might have made him laugh). he started laughing all over again. he said that he was passing out the wafers (bread) and noah abbott is standing behind me, looking very serious and wearing a name tag that read "joe mama" right in the middle of his chest. bill said he just started laughing and then throughout communion, he couldn't get the picture of noah out of his head (even as he handed out communion to sweet, little old ladies).
nametags for everyone are a new project of a new guy on our staff. i refuse to wear one because 1) i hate having my name visible like that and 2) my name is so uncommon that if people see it, they know that i am the buffy who works there... and suddenly, i'm working on a sunday. anyway, my not wearing a name tag causes some trouble between my co-worker and myself but maybe when he sees the nametags our kids are wearing every week, he'll back off. either that or i'm going to have to come up with a name to use... :)

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