maybe it's too hard to see these pictures, but they are of holly and rachel. best friends, if you ask rach. holly... not so much. but holly is simply the best with rachel. she tolerates pokes, pulls and general attacks from the baby and never once snaps or even scares rachel off. what a blessing our dogs are for all of us!
but now, holly is sick. we don't know yet if it is just "old age" or if it's something more serious (vet thinks maybe a brain tumor) but either option makes us sad. holly is 12 (georia is 11) and they are big dogs, so it wouldn't be unusual for them to live only 12-14 years. but still, it's heartbreaking.
over the weekend, holly started walking around "like a drunk sailor" and then last night she fell down the stairs (i was home alone with rachel and couldn't get to her in time to stop the fall and i felt terrible). its so sad to see our lively, strong, happy dog struggling the way she is now.
so, now we wait to see if this "clears up" a bit in the next few weeks - if so, then we're just dealing with an aging dog. if not, we try to make her as comfortable as possible. this morning, ed hand-fed her chicken and rice (georgie only gets regular dog food... she's not sick). he said he felt like his dad as he prepared the food and fed her (ed's folks take such wonderful care of their beloved dogs). not a bad example to follow... :)
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