this past weekend was homecoming. the older 3 boys all played in the marching band, ev went and ran around with friends and i was careful to get rachel's nap schedule a little later so that we could try to stay for the half-time show (since she & i have not yet made it long enough to see the show). sadly, i didn't realize that the crowning of the homecoming queen means there is no half-time show for the band. bugger. but, rachel did make it until the second half and then we went home and put her to bed. it was really fun to be out and see so many friends (parents also there for their kids) and the miraculous victory by QV! (we are among the worst teams in the state... so sad. but it makes being a band parent better - at least we aren't football parents!) :)
then, we were off to HOTO on saturday (head of the ohio regatta). drew had 2 races (a 4-man and an 8-man) and noah was coxswain for the first time in a race (he loves it!). essentially its a long day of sitting around and then a 30 second excitement as they row past us at the finish line. (boats are timed, though, so it isn't like you can see the winner at that point.) ev came along in the afternoon (i had to work in the am, so we went late) and we enjoyed a beautiful day in the 'burgh with our friends, the frishkorns (their matt also rows and their dan is ev's buddy)!
after the race (& a lot of running around), we headed home to send noah & drew off to the homecoming dance with their friends. taylor's date wasn't able to go at the last minute, so he opted to see a movie with his dad & ev. the girls stayed home (as usual) but my friend, beth, came over with a pizza and i had a great "girls evening"!
sunday we crashed. and cleaned. sorta. and we gear up for another crazy week.
highlight of the day: rachel went to bed at 7 PM and woke at 8 AM!! yeah!!!! (mommy, meanwhile, spent THREE hours vacuuming stink bugs from drew's room. gross!)