then, while we were en route to MN, we were pulled over so that a police man could inform us that one of our tail lights was out. (for the record, we knew it was and had asked for that repair to be done when our car was in for other repairs... apparently they forgot. and how would we know? it's not like we follow each other around in our cars and check out the lights!) so, not wanting to be pulled over again (quite scary to be pulled over and really have no idea why!), i resolved to fix the light myself. so, i was directed to the nearest car part store, got the right bulbs and my father-in-law and i figured out how to open the back panel and fix the lights. again, quite pleased with myself.
now, i have determined to repair our broken antenna on the truck. a while ago, some punk kid broke the antenna off the car (ed says people saw it happen) and we've just managed to go without all this time. but, when we went to see the dark knight at the drive-in, suddenly, not having an antenna was a major problem. (thankfully, we had a radio with an antenna and all of the other cars around us had their radios playing the movie loudly. clearly, we cannot be drive-in movie fans and not have an antenna. and, frankly, i'm REALLY sick of the cd's that are in the car. so, i'm going to figure out the antenna problem. how hard can it be?? HA!
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