however, i will add this pic of our friend, nate, who came to visit for dinner before he heads back to england (oxford) for a short time to prepare for travel to the middle east, where he'll be doing research. the boys adore nate (he was a youth leader for drew & taylor last year) and they were thrilled to have him join us for an evening. we had a fun dinner and then, of course, we played a game (chicken foot). it was just so much fun! anyway, here's a photo of nate with the guys.

after that fun on thursday, we had a really busy weekend. friday found everyone off at parties/school dance. saturday morning, ed went for an mri to see what needs to be done with his hurt shoulder (surgery, probably) and then we headed to granddad's to help them move furniture. granddad is not doing well and now needs either a hospital bed in their home (with near constant care) or will be moving to a nursing home soon. so, we did what we could to help get their home in order. several weeks ago, we all visited and granddad had each of us choose a painting of his to keep. we love the ones we received! then, on saturday, taylor was given granddad's art materials (paints, chalks, canvases, etc)... he's so excited!! (but he has to share with his brothers too.) saturday night, ed & i went to a friend's big b'day bash and the guys hung out at home (after drew went to dinner with friends at a mexican restaurant where he had to speak spanish the entire time for a school project and noah went out with his Bible study group from church for a "fun day").
sunday was the daytona 500 (the only nascar race we watch, as we try every year to watch with our friends who host a party for the event). this is always exciting because we hang out with friends and fight to win the coveted prize for guessing the outcome of the race. noah won a few years ago and drew won this year! we're such fans!! then, i gave a testimony at the youth group sunday night (taylor & noah were there to hear it). despite having worked with middle schoolers in the past, it is very different to speak at something like that with your own kids there!
finally, monday was a big work day (the boys & ed were off for presidents day and i was sick... still am). ed started working on re-wiring the second floor/stairs. so, we're back in a state of "disarray", but even though it looks like more of a mess, we've (technically, he) made progress and it is really exciting to think about what these rooms will look like in the near future... you know, with walls and stuff like that!! while ed worked on the electric, the rest of us worked on the "annual cleaning out" of the game room... it's not actually finished yet, but we've made great progress. and that room will be another that is FINISHED soon (probably this spring) so that will be great for everyone! :)

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