friday was taylor's 12th birthday. he had detention during lunch on his birthday and decided that he prefers lunch in the detention room over the cafeteria (he had to eat in a conference room)... he's now trying to figure out how to get more lunch detentions AND include his friends!! i don't know if this is a good sign of his "turning lemons into lemonade" or a warning for his parents of what we have ahead of us!
anyway, after school he was pleased to find cards (with money!) in the mail and a gift from nicole (the little girl he babysits during our small group Bible study). we had to work taylor's birthday celebration around evan's soccer game (where ev played goalie this time before getting kicked out of the game for not having shin guards! oops!) but after the game, we started celebrating. taylor's meal of choice was "birthday burrito" and he got his own dish of refried beans (which was the ONLY thing he actually asked for on his birthday! weird kid.). after dinner we opened presents - of course he got legos and a stuffed animal (his favorites) but he also got big gorilla slippers, bath stuff (hey, he loves baths and with his long hair, he's the closest thing i have to a daughter. just kidding!) and a swiss army knife. so far, he & ed have had lots of conversations about what is okay with the knife and what isn't. he's being really responsible with it so far and he is thrilled to have it. after presents, we had oreo surprise (dad's specialty ice cream and the family favorite) - complete with candles! - and watched a movie together. since the next morning was saturday, i finished off taylor's b'day with his favorite breakfast (oatmeal & cheesy eggs) in bed. not a bad day.
anyway, after school he was pleased to find cards (with money!) in the mail and a gift from nicole (the little girl he babysits during our small group Bible study). we had to work taylor's birthday celebration around evan's soccer game (where ev played goalie this time before getting kicked out of the game for not having shin guards! oops!) but after the game, we started celebrating. taylor's meal of choice was "birthday burrito" and he got his own dish of refried beans (which was the ONLY thing he actually asked for on his birthday! weird kid.). after dinner we opened presents - of course he got legos and a stuffed animal (his favorites) but he also got big gorilla slippers, bath stuff (hey, he loves baths and with his long hair, he's the closest thing i have to a daughter. just kidding!) and a swiss army knife. so far, he & ed have had lots of conversations about what is okay with the knife and what isn't. he's being really responsible with it so far and he is thrilled to have it. after presents, we had oreo surprise (dad's specialty ice cream and the family favorite) - complete with candles! - and watched a movie together. since the next morning was saturday, i finished off taylor's b'day with his favorite breakfast (oatmeal & cheesy eggs) in bed. not a bad day.
(we decided that because things were so wacky around here lately and so many activities for us & everyone we know, we'll throw taylor a 1/2 b'day party in the summer for his friends. kathy & i had a party like that in the summer once - it was great!)
we had drew & taylor's band concert on thursday - tried to get pics, but honestly couldn't see drew at all and taylor was hidden by a music stand. they did really well. taylor says he messed up, but we couldn't tell. he's getting better about keeping a straight face and continuing! (you can see, though, that evan didn't think much of the music concert!) tonight is taylor's choral concert (unfortunately, we won't see him in this) and this thursday is noah's band concert - we can't wait!
i'm trying to get pictures to share when i can. (thanks, susie, for the camera! it stinks that it rarely works for me but at least we have one again! we're really grateful for that. and something tells me santa won't be bringing a new digital camera this year...)
we had drew & taylor's band concert on thursday - tried to get pics, but honestly couldn't see drew at all and taylor was hidden by a music stand. they did really well. taylor says he messed up, but we couldn't tell. he's getting better about keeping a straight face and continuing! (you can see, though, that evan didn't think much of the music concert!) tonight is taylor's choral concert (unfortunately, we won't see him in this) and this thursday is noah's band concert - we can't wait!
i'm trying to get pictures to share when i can. (thanks, susie, for the camera! it stinks that it rarely works for me but at least we have one again! we're really grateful for that. and something tells me santa won't be bringing a new digital camera this year...)

1 comment:
i've met this "taylor" character, and i (personally) don't think it's wise to allow such a hooligan to possess a knife, esp one made by the swiss army! the only person responsible enough to handle such a weapon is either his uncle jason or macgeyver. i had one of these swiss army knives, & look how i turned out, sitting here reading & responding to a blog like this...
happy birthday anyway tanya!
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