ed & i are very aware of the fact that we have really good kids. seriously, as a step-mom, i'm particularly aware of what great boys ours are. but i do love to hear about other people discovering this about them too. in the past year, we heard quite a bit about drew & taylor being such great babysitters - both with little "fan clubs" of small children who adore them. most recently, i heard from at least a half dozen people about what great workers the boys are. a week ago, drew, taylor and noah (and ed) went to help with a "mini-mission team" to aliquippa (a town about 20 minutes away that was recently flooded during a rain storm). the team went to help clean out the mess left by the flood (quite a bit of damage in the basements of stores along the main street - apparently a very dirty and smelly job!) anyway, for the past week, every person i ran into who had been in aliquippa mentioned what hard workers our boys were - and great attitudes too!! (to be honest, this was surprising to me because they did not all leave with great attitudes that morning...) as you can see, they were a mess when they got back!!
anyway, i'm really proud of them. not just for being such good kids that other people compliment us on them (which is certainly great!), but also because they are willing to lend a hand to people who need help. this is exactly what we want to teach them and i'm glad to see them respond the way they do. (by the way, evan was too young to go on the trip, so he and i spent the day together and that was fun for us.)